Our Services

For exciting training and workshops that make a lasting difference, look no further!
 Aiming to support staff with anxiety and stress . 

Boosting Happiness and Resilience in schools to alleviate distress and any potential long term impact. 

The need for a preventative, self care approach to mental health has never been so essential!

Inspired by scientific, evidence based techniques from: Positive Psychology, Neuroscience, Compassion, Mindfulness, the Importance of Sleep & a Healthy Life Style.

Lotus believes in embracing wisdom, inspiration, diversity and experience to deliver 

Dynamic Training!
Mental health is a hot topic.
Needed now more than ever.
Talking therapy is expensive, CAHMS (mental health service for young people) is overstretched. Adults and children are often left to fend for themselves through their most challenging times. 
Looking after the mental and emotional health of your managers and employees will benefit your organisation, community and society as a whole.

That's where Lotus comes in! 

 So let's start from where we are now and move forward in the most proactive way possible. 
Lotus hopes to help!

Workshops & Training

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Lotus believes in supporting individuals and groups to achieve their highest potentials by facilitating positive change in thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Enabling learners to flourish in life even in the face of adversity.
Lotus understands that we are all unique individuals and 'one size doesn't fit all'. 

Examples of workshops & training can be found below:
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Bolstering Teacher Training &
Inspiring Pupils!

50% of mental health problems are established by age 14 and 75% by age 24!

70% of children and adolescents who experience mental health problems have not had appropriate interventions.

20% of young people could experience a mental health problem in any given year!

By taking care of teachers and delivering dynamic training we can ensure they are  more able to care for themselves so they can better care for and positively educate our children!
Teacher and Staff Training
  • Bolstering Resilience Whilst Confronting the Challenges of Covid-19.
  • Well-being and Resilience for Teachers & NQT's
Workshops for Young People
  • Happiness and Resilinece - Key Stage 5&6
  • Healthy Mind/ Healthy Body  - Key stage 2&3
  • Coping with Change & Developing Emotional Resilience - Key Stage 3&4.
  • Who's Making my Decisions?! ( Promotes responsibility, compassion & respect.) Key Stage 3&4
  • Confidence and Self Esteem - Key Sage 3,4 and Higher.


Positively Inspire!

Lotus has worked for companies where absenteeism, low morale and negativity is stifling creativity and contentment at work....Perfect for all companies if you want happier, focused, more  productive staff with  less absenteeism  and staff turnover.
For every 1£ spent on resilience training you could look to save £4... That's a huge difference to your organisation! 

  • Coping with Change (Coping with organisational change in the workplace)
  • Emotional Resilience for Leaders
  • Managing Stress & Building Coping Strategies
  • Increasing Productivity through Happiness and Creating a Positive Working Environment.

Health Care

Take Great Care of Your Staff!

Health care can be a stressful profession, which can take its toll emotionally, physically and mentally. To care for other people effectively, your staff must be able to care for themselves.
  • Supporting Your Staff with Resilience and Wellbeing - For Leaders and Up and Coming Leaders.
  • Secondary Trauma Awareness, Resilience & Self Care.
  • Supporting you with Emotional Resilience in times of Stress.
  • Coping with Change & Building Resilience.
  • Take Care of Yourself so You can Better Care for Others.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

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